
Same old brand of asshole.
So this will be the bitter end
You deceived me,
As you always do,
Turned out to burn out like the rest,
You can’t stand up to tell me to my face,
Where’s your backbone?
You think I’d really care?
Think there’s tears inside for you?
Sadly mistaken, I knew
I could never trust you,
How you play innocent,
You didn’t fool me,
I’ve just been anticipating it’s arrival,
Do you strive for depletion?
I can’t be deflated, knocked down,
How do things change so rapidly,
When night dissolves your iciness grows,
What are you not benefiting?
my appeal unfit for your taste?
Your approach to inform so unrefined and careless,
Detached and dejected you deemed me,
What’s so wrong with me I find myself here?

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