I dreamed of you,
After so long,
I fell in love with you again,
But knew it could never be,
I was intercepted by your proposal on my way to flee the country.
What an unexpected concept to envision,
How did you know to find me there?
only in dreams, these things come true,
Makes me so unsure of everything I’ve felt about you,
How haphazardly my feelings flew.
But words of commitment exist only in my unconscious.
Everything you felt, I overlooked.
Always puzzled,
I didn’t know what to do with so much emotion.
Sometimes I wonder if you might come around.
To be the one for ever after.
I should know better.
With all I’ve put you through,
I’m surprised you’d still care to know me.
Although distance and a busy life keep you,
I wish I could take mistakes back and be there for you.