
You construct such heights,
a pedestal to place me.
You rupturing the structure,
slipping through the energy invested.
I want to release this hold I have on you,
but you keep me caught between clenched jaws.
Jagged teeth, rip into me.
I walked willingly, precariously,
terrified and trembling,
trying not to be angry,
in suffering the contingency that comes with leniency.
Can I bend, can I flex?
I've been resilient to give,
so spoiled and unadulterated.
Is there room in me for forgiveness?


I've collected the scraps of clumsy words from my sketchbook scrawlings. They have been adding up very slowly. Some are unfinished (and will surely remain so).

What the heart wants,
Another cannot sate.
Our timing is misaligning,
But you are worth the wait.
Our daily rite must suffice.

A new sense of satisfaction,
Instilled underneath,
A correct motion,
A reach that grasps,
Plead that it not slip,
I can feel it between my fingers,
Light and lithe,
As I wished, it was delivered,
 Persuaded by the possibility,
Practicing patience,
In a tiresome torment.

A flushing face,
Desirious delight,
A voice so vivacious,
A genuine heart,
Introductory in incandescence,
A handsome hero,
drawn from ideality,
Fluency in conversation,
You take the lead.

A descent in desire,
The fire does die,
Left with a shred of hope,
The hype could heighten,
I contest for clarity,
Muffled by my nerves
To see you observant,
So far to fall,
Assess the individual,
Is he content to coast?

 I think I’ll always be,
Shadowed by misery,
Relentlessly it hunts me,
A battle in loneliness,
Imbued by rhythmic affliction.


I wrote this while at work last night. I fixed it up a bit below!

A quick succession,
feign the fortitude,
no resilience against your unrepentant repeal.
Erasure of any trace of history,
distinct in the way you speak.
I'll bandage my heart,  restart and efface,
Leave you believing I was stronger than I could be.
Placate this raging wave.
I had to fall prey,
a humourless mistake,
to have you torture me in such a depleting way.
A lethal lashing, you unknowingly distribute.
A pitiful piercing I pursued with persistence.
Unspoken truce, affirmation received in riddles.

This cruel city has swallowed me,
I live day to day so absently.
Not mine to grieve,
yet I bereave,
near insanity.
A fusion of formality and fissure,
a chip in the bone,
a crack in the core.
Follow me phonetically.
Your face once adored, I abhor.

A salty sealant,
assail me abstractly,
a slated complacency.


It's been too long since I've written. Here's a quick one that jumped onto the page while I was listening to the lovely Dave Dixon at work. If you can't read my scratchings, I'll type it out below.
It's open season,
and I'm not feeding.
Decided to declare defeat.
It was ambitious to admire,
a person too sharp to swallow.
Replenish in recovery,
but you refute the ambulatory.
Emergent effigy,
the scope of your disease.
Dig into me, the inkless needle,
anchored to antecede,
your abnegation.