
I can sing with sorrow,
And would you recognize it?
I sense a change coming,
But it’s in me,
I thought you would make things better,
I thought you could make it go away,
But you just don’t care about anything,
what changed after me?
There’s no sense of ease between us,
I’ll accept the blame,
I didn’t mean to leave,
Why aren’t you trying harder to win me back?
It’s taking far too long,
I feel like i’m at wit’s end,
I’ve got nothing to draw you in,
I swear I saw that light in your eyes,
If just for a moment it existed,
Tell me that I was only seeing what I wanted to see,
Say it, you can’t put your trust in me again,
I know I blew it for myself,
But a glimmer of hope is enough to dance with the idea

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